Sunday, April 6, 2008

Vitamin Supplements

Yesterday, while driving, I came across a woman in my adjacent car, stuck in traffic jam, I we had nothing else to do but listen to radio and look helplessly around but I noticed, she had something better to do! She took out what looked like some medicine prescription and a big box. Initially I thought that it was her vanity kit and looked at her amusingly thinking that I would get to see a women making herself up and all. But when the box opened, I was so shocked! It contained nothing but medicines and more medicines.

Being from a pharmaceutical background I could well recognize those tablets and the only words that gushed out of my mouth aloud were "Oh My God!" They were vitamin supplements!

She was a young lady, she could have very well balanced her diet of these vitamins if she wanted so badly to within a month or so, but like all of us, she took the short way out, vitamin supplements! I feel so sad when I see young people being caught into this trap of medicines and supplements. In this fast paced world, why can't we halt for our own self!

Rushing to work, rushing back home, its all become the money game. No one tries to analyze that ultimately all the money that we earn is for our comfort!

In a nutshell, I would like to suggest all the young people to not fall into the dietitian traps unnecessarily. The nutrients and vitamins that actual fruits and diet can give you, pills can never! It just takes some time and patience.

Read more about Vitamins Supplements at

Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to make money through internet using his experience.

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